Kayo Minigp: First Ride Impression


After a pretty hectic October past us here in Malaysia, with all the big events and tight schedule for us in Malaysian Riders. We open up our November news with something rather interesting. Well of course, you readers already aware that Kayo Minigp is the main talking point of this article. So, lets not waste any more time and have a look at our first ride impression during our test in USJ Speedway Plus.

Our official test rider received the heads up from a fellow motoring journalist of FastBike Malaysia and one thing led to another, we found ourselves preparing to an unplanned test ride at the track. Fresh off a filming of the upcoming episode of the Malaysian Riders motorcycle show, we pull ourselves together to give our best in covering the bike that we’ll be testing. In short, Kayo Minigp is a miniature version of the Moto 3, well it’s not really a Moto 3 machine but it does gives you the feeling of riding a proper GP bike; without the full power of course.


The price of the machine starts from RM7,200 and this shall increase if and only if the 150cc bike is just not fast enough for you to go around the little tracks that you’ll probably spend most of your time with. Pitrides of the GR Motorsports Sdn Bhd is the company that brought us the wonderful machine that we tested at the track. We do not have the most accurate specification for the bike just yet but anyone interested to know can just refer to this website at the moment: http://www.kayominigp.com/specs.html

Now let’s go on with our official test rider Rashidi on his feedback after riding the Kayo Minigp machine at the track. Since it was his first time at the USJ Speedway and after a short practice run thanks to a fellow friend of his in giving some free fun practice with his KTM Duke 200; our test rider jump onto the Kayo minigp bike and straight away gives his everything in learning the bike and also pushing the bike up to limit where he actually had a low side crash after a few laps with it. He was frustrated and realized one particular thing which is wonderful about the bike.


The Kayo Minigp machine was pretty tough and durable as the crash doesn’t really affect the bike that much. While the crash might be an unpleasant thing to happen even if the bike is cheap, but one thing for sure; it gives you an ample room to make an error as the bike is not particularly fast and you can imagine that the effect to the rider is not as bad as crashing off a 1000cc motorcycle. Not to say that it doesn’t hurt at all but our test rider and the boss of Pitrides itself says it’s a great platform to learn riding techniques to an extreme but at a very minimal risk of hurting yourself.

Our test rider heights is around 170cm and weighting at around 57KG and he still finds the bike rideable and riders with larger size has been seen riding around the track on the same day. Therefore it’s not really a problem if it’s to become a training platform for the youth riders from the age of 11 years old to 16 years old to get a feel of riding a proper race bike. Why? the riding position of the bike felt similar to one that you will find being ridden by the pros out there and in terms of visual for the riders, it gives you the low angle point of view similar to what you’ll get when riding a GP machine.


After a short discussion with the boss of Pitrides, it is clear to us that maintaining the bike is quite simple and affordable enough for weekend usage at the track. The tire might be a little problematic to find at your usual tire dealers, but we are sure the distributor of such machine will assist hands on to each owners demands. Is it a value for money to get this bike for your training? If you think too hard about it you will end up saying no to it, but take it from our test rider; he really think the bike will be fair and valuable to all the new riders out there looking into finding the techniques of riding in a safe environment. He really hates to see the news coming on to his facebook or by text from a friend telling the story of unfortunate riders crashing and even losing their life’s in the process.

In overall look, us in Malaysian Riders felt that this is one of the best platform for riders out there to explore and educates the new riders and also the youth towards motorsports as a culture. We shall definitely get even closer with the bike and we might just get one for our own usage in the future. Stay tune with us for more about Kayo MiniGP bike in the future and for that we encourage you to SUBSCRIBE our YOUTUBE CHANNEL and LIKING our FACEBOOK PAGE.

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